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The Eggman Empire

The Eggman Empire is a political body that refers to the totalitarian regime ruled by the infamous Dr. Eggman, and it is the Doctor's ultimate goal to have the Eggman Empire encompass the globe. Although it has occasionally been established, the Eggman Empire has never managed to hold its ground, and merely refers to the territories Eggman has claimed and plans to claim. Its main enemies are Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies.

In the recent past, Dr. Eggman managed to expand the Eggman Empire across Sonic the Hedgehog's world. Eventually however, Sonic and his allies beat Eggman and broke the Eggman Empire's control over their world. In the aftermath, Eggman disappeared, leaving the Eggman Empire's army directionless.

The Eggman Empire commands a sizable proportion of military forces. Having the engineering genius of Dr. Eggman at the helm, the empire possesses disastrously destructive machines, nigh-impenetrable fortresses, diabolical robots, and tools of Eggman's own design.

While the Eggman Empire has rarely gained a substantial amount ground, it has still managed to build bases within certain territories that give the empire a degree of control in some parts of the world. However, its influence is kept at bay thanks to the efforts of Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies.

Doctor Eggman

Metal Sonic
Super Badniks
Shadow Androids

Eggman Empire Fortress

Death Egg Robot
Egg Dragoon
Egg Emperor
Egg Viper
Giga Omega
Final Fortress
Egg Fleet

Former Members:
Neo Metal Sonic
Doctor Starline