F) Ex20
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) In40
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health: 110 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Robotic Construct: Splats is a Badnik, a robot created by Dr. Robotnik. Its very body gives it the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Immune to Disease and Toxins: CL1000
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe
-Leaping: Rm, 5 areas in one bound, may move another 5 if he gets a success Endurance FEAT.
Talents: Acrobatics
Contacts: Badniks, Dr. Robotnik