The Shinobi Clan is a ninja Clan consisting of Mobian chameleons led by the Bride of Constant Vigil. The Shinobi stronghold is located within caves in the Dragon Kingdom; its exact location is hidden from outsiders. Details of the clan are often lost to rumor and myth, though they're somewhat known for secretive behavior and for hiding traps in plain sight. The clan operates in extreme secret, working under the concept that information is the best weapon. It was one of the four clans forced into serving the Iron Dominion.
The Shinobi Clan generally serves the forces of good, though they do not act openly. In the past, they attempted to police the Dragon Kingdom and oppose the less virtuous clans; however, due to their small numbers they were nearly eliminated. Following this, the clan adopted more indirect, secretive methods to ensure its survival, often working by observation and gathering intelligence. They maintained these tactics for generations; eventually the Brotherhood of Guardians, who watched over Angel Island and other areas of the world, caught the clan's attention. Feeling that this "powerful, species-centric" group had potential to be dangerous, the clan decided to assign an agent to observe the active Guardian of the time so as to be aware of any worrisome decisions made.
After the Bride of Four Houses brought an end to the Clan Wars by slaying the leader of the Yagyu Clan and making it her own, Constant Vigil surrendered herself and her clan to the Iron Queen, who used them as part of the Iron Dominion's forces. Despite believing the Iron Queen to be evil, she did so because she feared open opposition would result in the destruction of the Shinobi. However, once it was clear that the Iron Dominion had lost most of its power, the Shinobi Clan felt it safe to break away and aid the opposition.
The Bride of Constant Vigil
Known Members:
Espio the Chameleon
Typical Shinobi Ninjas
Former Members: