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Moebius (also known as the Anti-Mobius) is an alternate-universe zone and home of the Anti Freedom Fighters, including the infamous Scourge the Hedgehog. Typically, people from the Anti Mobius universe have opposite personality traits of their Mobius Prime counterparts.

Roughly around the same time as the conflict in Mobius Prime's history known as the Great War, Moebius experienced a time of peace and prosperity known as the "Great Peace". Scourge's father Jules was a key member in bringing about the Great Peace. Scourge described it as an event that "brought everyone together in one big group hug." After ten years however, things on Moebius "stagnated" and the Great Peace broke down (this is around the same time as Dr. Ivo Robotnik's coup d'état in Mobius Prime). Thus an era of war and violence errupted.

Similar to the events that happened in Mobius Prime, King Max was banished to the Zone of Silence during a coup. However, in Moebius it was Scourge the Hedgehog (who was known as "Evil Sonic" at the time) and Anti-Sally who disposed of the king and took power over Mobotropolis.

Moebius' first interaction with Mobius Prime came when Sonic the Hedgehog crossed over into Moebius via the Cosmic Interstate. There he encountered his Anti-Mobius self who decided to beat him up. With the help of the kindly veteranarian Kintobor, Sonic managed to subdue his evil counterpart and return to his native reality.

Some time later, Evil Sonic brought the Anti-Freedom Fighters to Mobius Prime where they impersonated their prime-zone counterparts and terrorized the local Mobians. Eventually however the Freedom Fighters returned and sent the Anti-versions of themselves back to Anti Mobius.

Following a considerable amount of time spent on Mobius Prime and his transformation into Scourge the Hedgehog, Sonic's evil counterpart eventually made his way back to Moebius using a Warp Ring taken from Dr. Finitevus and charged with energy from the Master Emerald. Having been inspired by a number of confrontations with Sonic, Scourge decided to explore his full potential. After returning to Moebius with Fiona Fox, Scourge proceeded to conquer all of Moebius within a matter of days, crown himself "king" and reform the Anti-Freedom Fighters into the Suppression Squad.

Scourge the Hedgehog
Fiona Fox
Dr. Ivo Kintobor
Buns Rabbot
Rosy the Rascal
Overseer O'Nux
Maxx Acorn
Jeffrey St. Croix
Smalls the Cat

The Supression Squad

The Grand Forest

Castle Acorn

Sunken Island