Mammoth Mogul
F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) In40
I) Am50
P) Un100
Health: 270 Karma: 190
Resources: Rm Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Master Mogul Form: Master Mogul was a super transformation of Mammoth Mogul. Unlike other super transformations, this form was brought on by the stolen powers of Enerjak through the Sword of Acorns. He gains the following abilities:
-Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Immune to Radiation, Disease and Toxins: CL1000
-Dimensional Travel: Master Mogul is able to travel to different zones with Un ability
-Telekinesis: Mn
Chaos Emerald: With the Chaos Emerald embedded in his chest, Mogul commands Chaos Energy. In order to achieve mastery of this force, he formed the Order of Ixis. As a result, he can also use Ixian Magic on an even higher level than Ixis Naugus. This also gives him the following power stunts:
-Immortality: Mammoth Mogul cannot die
-Chaos Blasts: Up to Un Energy, 10 areas
-Self-Sustenance: Mammoth Mogul doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe in this form. Master Mogul can survive in the vaccuum of space.
Order of Ixis: Un ability to warp reality on a massive scale. But as of recent events Mogul's powers have been restored upon taking possession of the grey Chaos Emerald.
Telepathy: Un, Mammoth Mogul is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Illusions: Am, he once used to trick the Chaotix and Freedom Fighters into attacking each other.
-Mind Control: Mn, these powers were greatly diminished by the loss of his Chaos Emerald, to the point where he could no longer affect anyone but beings who had already been affected by those abilities, which are marked by a green diamond shape on their foreheads.
Talents: Business/Finance, Leadership, Mystic Background
Contacts: Destructix, Badniks
Master Mogul was a super transformation of Mammoth Mogul. Unlike other super transformations, this form was brought on by the stolen powers of Enerjak through the Sword of Acorns. Despite his incredible power, Master Mogul was subsequently defeated by the combined might of Super Sonic, Hyper Knuckles and Turbo Tails, with side-line assistance from Athair and the Brotherhood of Guardians. Mogul was trapped inside the new Master Emerald after his defeat.
Master Mogul reemerged roughly a year later, after stealing the powers of Chaos Knuckles. When Knuckles returned from the afterlife, it allowed Mogul to tap into this power completely, thus restoring his Master Mogul form. Master Mogul then became bent on destroying the multiverse, going from reality to reality and destroying them. However, after Zonic brought together all the various versions of Miles "Tails" Prower, the Prime version of Tails, using his power as the "Chosen One", fused with all his alternate selves to form Titan Tails, and defeated Master Mogul once and for all. The Chosen One then undid everything Master Mogul had done and returned the multiverse to normal.