Lightning Lynx
F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Ex20
Health: 130 Karma: 50
Resources: Pr Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Lightning Speed: In land speed, Lightning Lynx has the following power stunts:
-May substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May substitue for Intuition for initiative.
Claws: Ex Edge
Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Ninja, Stealth, Acrobatics, Tumbling
Contacts: The Destructix; (Formerly) The Raiji Clan
Lightning was originally a ninja in the Raiju Clan of the Dragon Kingdom, and their fastest and strongest. He was easily able to defeat any other members of his clan in duels, and the only one he respected was the Bride of his clan: Conquering Storm. He loved her as well, and desired to be by her side, but she would only accept someone of great skill, so he challenged her to a duel to prove his devotion. However she soundly defeated Lightning, and to add to his defeat, he was given the ultimate dishonor of being banished and losing his clan status. After this occurred he eventually came into contact with Mammoth Mogul and entered his service.
Like the rest of the Fearsome Foursome - Sergeant Simian, Predator Hawk, and Flying Frog - Lightning Lynx debuted as an agent of Mammoth Mogul's, attacking the Chaotix on his orders. After being defeated and retreating from this battle, he would return to help Mogul in his bid to claim the Sword of Acorns by pitting the Chaotix and Freedom Fighters against each other. Lynx's purpose involved serving as the substance behind Mogul's illusions of Espio the Chameleon and Sally Acorn, which initially had the two groups fighting. When the more level-headed members of each team noticed the errors in these illusions, however, the scheme was blown and Lynx was captured along with his teammates.
Along with the rest of the Fearsome Foursome, Lightning Lynx would be sent to Devil's Gulag and imprisoned for some time. However, due to the actions of an as yet concealed Dr. Eggman, the teammates were able to escape along with fellow criminals Snively Kintobor, Nack the Weasel, Sleuth Dog, Drago Wolf, Warlord Kodos, and Uma Arachnis. Joining the assemblage of villains under Snively's leadership, Lynx confronted the Freedom Fighters again in capturing Nate Morgan, a venture that proved much more successful than his previous encounters with the heroes. Sadly, his success was short-lived, as he and the rest of the future Destructix were defeated and captured by the Royal Secret Service under Geoffrey St. John.
Following another escape from Devil's Gulag, Lightning Lynx and his teammates - which now included Sleuth Dog and Drago Wolf - would take up residence in a factory that had once belonged to Dr. Ivo Robotnik, keeping Tommy Turtle as a convenient punching bag. Later, Sonic the Hedgehog infiltrated this factory to liberate his old friend Tommy, only to watch as the Destructix - though they were not yet called that - attempted to make a deal with Dr. Eggman to sell him the factory, which by rights he already owned. Lynx and the others were then subjected to Roboticization, becoming Robians in service to Eggman. Due to Sleuth's apparently suicidal attempt to prevent his own transformation, it seemed briefly as though the Destructix had been destroyed, but they in fact survived and were De-Roboticized by the Bem. Later, robotic doubles of their Robian forms would attack Sonic as part of a ruse to get an Auto Automaton of Tommy Turtle into Knothole. When recovered by Eggman, these doubles contained video of the Destructix making a deal with "Anonymous", a mysterious being who would later turn out to be Eggman's computer virus son A.D.A.M.
Once the Destructix were officially organized, all of its members set out to recapture Mammoth Mogul's Chaos Emerald in order to release him. Lightning Lynx engaged the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix yet again, but as usual was outclassed and outnumbered and so defeated. He and the others were taken to prison, only to be liberated when Mogul escaped from the Emerald himself. When Ixis Naugus arrived and challenged Mogul for the Crown of Acorns, Lynx fought against his Arachne as well as the arriving Freedom Fighters and Chaotix. When Mogul and Naugus joined forces, the battle continued between only two sides, but then ended with the destruction of the Sword and Crown of Acorns and the capture of the villains by the Egg Fleet. Lynx and his compatriots were then teleported to the Egg Grape Chamber, where Mogul briefly protected them before lowering his shields and leaving them at Eggman's mercy. Luckily for the criminals, Dr. Finitevus arrived shortly thereafter with Scourge the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat to liberate the Destructix. The doctor called upon them for their muscle, first requiring Lynx and his teammates to play the part of reformed mercenaries by defending the helpless Echidnas of Angel Island from the Dingoes.
Lightning Lynx and his compatriots revealed their true colors soon enough by ambushing and capturing Knuckles the Echidna when he returned to Angel Island and handing him over to the Dark Legion. Following his brainwashing and transformation into Enerjak, the Destructix - now joined by Fiona Fox in place of Rouge - were set at watch over a device created by the Brotherhood of Guardians to destroy Enerjak in the event of his return. They were soon challenged by Sonic, Julie-Su, and Locke as they attempted to claim the device, only to be thwarted by Archimedes the Fire Ant and then have their mission rendered unnecessary by Sonic's destruction of the weapon. Unnerved by the ensuing battle between Enerjak and Super Sonic, Lightning Lynx and his allies left through one of Finitevus' Warp Rings, having decided to become full-fledged mercenaries.
The group soon found themselves once again employed by Mammoth Mogul, who commissioned them to bring him Sonic's running shoes. After a brief fight with Sonic, Sally, and fellow mercenaries Bark the Polar Bear and Bean the Dynamite - whom Mogul had also hired but who had switched sides on Sally's offer of better payment - they captured Sonic and took him to Mogul's casino. They were all then defeated by Sonic, Sally, Amy Rose, and Geoffrey St. John, only for Rouge to pass the word to them that Mogul's plan all along had been to discredit Sonic by capturing him and then having him confront Mogul without evidence that Mogul had been involved.