Commander Hugo Brass
F) Rm30
A) Gd10
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Rm30
Health: 90 Karma: 80
Resources: Ex Pop: 10
Known Powers:
Energy Rifle: Rm Energy, 10 areas
Talents: Military, Guns, Leadership, Strategist
Contacts: G.U.N.
Following the theft of Station's Square's Chaos Emerald from it's bank by Shadow the Hedgehog, it was presumed that Sonic the Hedgehog was responsible, due to their similarities in appearance. Commander Brass organized the team to retrieve Sonic and bring him to Station Square for justice. He selected one of G.U.N.'s finest groups, Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2, to personally get the job done.
Following the theft of Station's Square's Chaos Emerald from it's bank by Shadow the Hedgehog, it was presumed that Sonic the Hedgehog was responsible, due to their similarities in appearance. Commander Brass organized the team to retrieve Sonic and bring him to Station Square for justice. He selected one of G.U.N.'s finest groups, Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2, to personally get the job done.
During the Xorda's attack on the planet, Commander Brass personally joined G.U.N. soldiers on the field of battle against the Quantum Dial. Both he and Tails assessed the situation together before the attack.
By the time Sonic returned from outer space, Commander Brass had been succeesed as Commander-in-Chief of G.U.N. by Commander Abraham Tower, becoming its military strategist.
When it was discovered that Dr. Eggman was planning to launch two nuclear missiles, one at Knothole and one at Station Square, Commander Brass personally discussed the situation with the President. Due to the Xorda's attack exposing the city to the outside world, Brass pressed that due to the city's vulnerability they should launch a pre-emptive strike against the Eggman Empire, rather than relying on Sonic the Hedgehog at the Freedom Fighters to stop the launch. The President however declined, stating they would only counter attack once Eggman's missiles were airborne. The President also informed Brass that he had attached his special operative, Rouge the Bat, to command the G.U.N. expeditionary force aiding the defence of Fort Acorn.