When the Eggman Empire began its invasion of Angel Island, the Egg Pawns participated in the attack. An army of Egg Pawns was dispatched to dispose of the Brotherhood of Guardians and captured the Master Emerald. The Brotherhood of Guardians prevailed however, destroying the attacking Egg Pawns. Although they failed to obtain the Master Emerald, the Brotherhood soon went missing and the Egg Pawns continued to act as Eggman's enforcers on Angel Island along with a legion of updated SWATbots and the Dingo Regime.
After Sonic's return from space, Charmy Bee and his fiance Saffron made their way to Knothole to inform the Kingdom of Acorn that their home, the Golden Hive Colony, had been destroyed by the Eggman Empire, its citizens rounded up and sent to the Egg Grape Chambers. However, Eggman then had the Egg Pawns rebuild the colony into a heavy industrialized and polluting factory. Some time later, Espio the Chameleon infiltrated the factory to discover what had become of the colony's former bee inhabitants. No records could be found however, and Espio, with help from NICOLE, sabotaged the main computer and caused Golden Hive Colony along with its contingent of Egg Pawns to be destroyed.
When the production of the Egg Fleet was complete, the Egg Pawns acted as the crew of the aerial vessels. Shortly after their attack on Knothole, the Egg Fleet was attacked by Snively's step-sister Hope Kintobor in her personal air plane. At that point, an Egg Pawn had the Egg Fleet target and lock on to her ship, and asked for permission to open fire. Snively hesitated to give the order, and Hope survived the encounter to return to the United Federation and join G.U.N.
Not long after Knothole's destruction, Knuckles the Echidna had gone back to Angel Island to help his father as Guardian. However, he was soon captured by the Destructix and convinced to become Enerjak by Dr. Finitevus. During his brief time as Enerjak, Knuckles was captured by the Egg Fleet, but managed to escape the custom Egg Grape Chamber. Upon emerging, he destroyed the entire city of New Megaopolis and all of its Egg Pawns. Following these events, Eggman made an alliance with the desperate Lien-Da, using the few loyal Dark Legion members under her command to become the replacement ground forces for the destroyed Egg Pawns.
Known Egg Pawns:
Sword Egg Pawn
Blaster Egg Pawn
Flying Egg Pawn
Hammer Egg Pawn