Doctor Starline
F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) In40
Health: 50 Karma: 100
Resources: Ex Pop: -20
Known Powers:
Tricore: Tricore was device created by Dr. Starline combined the powers of all three types of power cores, but can only use one at a time. It grants Starline the following:
-Speed: In Speed Mode, Starline has Mn Super-Speed and In Agility. Health does not change
-Fly: In Fly Mode, Starline is able to flight at Ex airspeed and has Rm Agility. Health does not change
-Power: In Power Mode, Starline is granted Am Strength and In Body Armor. Health does not change
Hypno-Gear: Outfitted in Starline's glove, the Hypno-Gear can hypnotize people with Ex ability, making them susceptible to suggestion. He can only use this on one person at a time
Multi-Tool Heel Spurs: Ex material, Starline has outfitted his boots with weaponized heel spurs. He has used the following spurs:
-Electrical Spur: Rm
-Neurotoxin Spur: Rm, target must succeed at an In Endurance FEAT or be rendered unconscious for 1–10 turns
Talents: Robotics, Engineering, Weapons Design and Engineering, Biology, Genetics, Psychology, Torture, Computers, Leadership, Strategist
Contacts: None