The Chaotix Detective Agency is an organization and a detective agency run by the Chaotix. After the war between the Eggman Empire and the Resistance ended, the Chaotix Detective Agency took up a case to find Dr. Eggman, who had disappeared after the war. After searching in Imperial City and finding nothing, the Chaotix tracked down Orbot and Cubot in the hopes that they would know something about Eggman. Unfortunately, neither them or Eggman's computer could tell them anything about where the doctor had disappeared to. The Chaotix would afterward check Eggman's other bases, including the one in Mystic Jungle, but they still found nothing. Eventually, after receiving an anonymous tip, the Chaotix found Eggman in a village; however, the doctor seemed to have amnesia, which had led to him becoming a productive member of the village under the name of "Mr. Tinker". The Chaotix thus spent the next couple days interrogating and observing Eggman. Upon concluding that Eggman legitimately remembered nothing, the Chaotix did not know what to do, as they were unsure if it was right or not to penalize Eggman now that he was a good man with no memory of his evil deeds.
To help them decide on what to do with Eggman, the Chaotix brought in Sonic the Hedgehog. While discussing the matter with Sonic and the village head, a horde of Anton and Hoverby Badniks showed up in the village. The Chaotix aided in fighting the robots, which they initially suspected Eggman was behind, but after defeating them, the Chaotix were convinced by Sonic that Eggman was indeed a changed man who wanted nothing to do with his old robots. As such, the Chaotix Detective Agency decided to leave Eggman to his new life, closing the case. It was soon after revealed however, that the Chaotix Detective Agency's investigation had been managed from the shadows by Rouge the Bat in order to ensure the Chaotix's welfare. Nonetheless, she counted the Chaotix Detective Agency's investigation as their gig, meaning that the Chaotix got to keep the finders fee.
Eventually, the Chaotix of the Chaotix Detective Agency were called to Resistance HQ where they and the Resistance's other allies were informed that the Resistance needed their help to liberate Angel Island, which had been conquered by Neo Metal Sonic and turned into a flying fortress. In addition, Neo had also secured the Master Emerald for himself on the island. Eventually, the Chaotix were assigned to help two of the assembled group's factions with breaking the Egg Fleet's control over Angel Island while Sonic and Knuckles the Echidna confronted Neo Metal Sonic. As soon as their ship approached Angel Island, the Egg Fleet shot it down. Fortunately, the Chaotix and their allies got off the ship before it crashed. Landing on Angel Island, the Chaotix were instructed to do their thing, and they began battling the island's Egg Pawns. Eventually, they began focusing on destroying the right wing unit that had been attached to Angel Island and succeeded with Tails' assistance. When Master Overlord (Neo Metal Sonic further transformed) attacked the battleship that they boarded, the Chaotix joined their allies in a midair assault on Master Overlord. Knuckles successfully removed the Master Emerald from Master Overlord's body and brought it back to Angel Island, which returned the island to the sky while Master Overlord powered down to his normal Metal Sonic form. After the battle and before leaving the island, the Chaotix went to see Amy Rose to collect their payment for their services, which included finding Dr. Eggman, uncovering the identity of the doctor's impersonator, and helping bring down Metal Sonic. Being unprepared for the request, Amy tried insisting that being part of the Resistance was its own reward.
Vector the Crocodile
Espio the Chameleon
Charmy Bee
Supporting Cast:
Vanilla the Rabbit
Beat Monster