Blaze the Cat
F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Gd10
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) In40
Health: 130 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Pyrokinesis: Mn, Blaze is a pyrokinetic, using her ability to manipulate fire. She also uses her pyrokinetic abilities in the following power stunts:
-Fire Sheath: Blaze is able to protect herself from flames with Mn ability. Blaze turns into a fiery tornado when jumping, and does not keep speed or go faster.
-Fire Blast: Am Fire, up to 7 areas away.
-Fire Damage: Blaze can infuse her fire into her physical attacks at close range, causing Ex Fire damage along with Slugfest damage.
-Flame Teleportation: Am ability to teleport with her flames
Sol Emerald Connection: Un connection to the power of the Sol Emeralds. She has been shown to be able to summon a Sol Emerald in the palm of her hand and read its energies.
Claws: Ex Edge
Hyper-Speed: In land speed
Hyper-Leaping: Gd
Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Martial Arts B
Contacts: Marine the Raccoon
After being plagued by constant dreams about a mysterious "Blue One" that could save her Sol Emeralds from coming into danger in the future, Blaze came to Mobius Prime to seek out Sonic. While exploring just outside of Knothole, Blaze was intercepted by a group of patrolling SWATbots and taken to one of Dr. Eggman's research bases, though she managed to destroy some of the robots before being captured. The robotic "doctors" there took scans of her while still unconscious that showed she was from a different dimension. Blaze awoke soon after, destroying the robots and part of the facility in a rage for removing her mantle. There she finally encountered Sonic, who had come to rescue her. Hoping to make sure that he was truly the "Blue One" in her dreams, Blaze attacked Sonic, and was thoroughly impressed his ability. After using all her pyrotechnic powers against him and creating a fire to engulf herself, she ultimately lost when Sonic created a vortex around her, preventing oxygen from reaching Blaze and putting out her flames. When she began to run out of air, Sonic stopped and offered his assistance. Sonic introduced himself, and Blaze then informed him that he was indeed the one she had been looking for, saying she was the one who would "haunt your dreams the way you have haunted mine" until she had need of him and vanished in a blaze of fire.
Some time later, both Sonic and Tails ended up in Blaze's zone. After the green Chaos Emerald was stolen from Marine the Raccoon by the robot Johnny, the three met up with Blaze and began their pursuit. Following whatever clues they had, the four eventually located Johnny, Captain Whiskers and the mastermind behind the theft, Dr. Nega. After battling them, the four heroes retrieved the green Chaos Emerald. Sonic allowed Blaze to keep it as it would help her to locate the missing Sol Emeralds. Blaze and Marine thanked Sonic and Tails before they used a ship Tails constructed and Marine "supervised" over to return to Mobius Prime.
Some time later, Blaze and Marine discovered the nearly-drowning Shadow the Hedgehog in the ocean while onboard Marine's ship, the Ocean Tornado. Bringing him on board, Blaze explained to Shadow her encounters with Sonic, with Marine interrupting and finishing the story her way. Traveling to Southern Island, Blaze was horrified to see the town under attack by Metal Sonic, which had followed Shadow to their universe. Blaze violently attacked the robot, but her attacks failed to do any damage. Shadow and Marine joined the fray, though still had difficulty fighting the machine. After Shadow failed to convince Metal Sonic to go against Eggman, Blaze used her fire attack and weakened the machine, allowing Shadow to spin dash it into the sky, where Marine used the Ocean Tornado's cannons to destroy Metal Sonic for good, but also obliterating the dimensional engine that was Shadow's way home. After the fires around the town were put out, Blaze offered Shadow the green Chaos Emerald, saying "thanks to Sonic's generosity, I've found a few of the Sol Emeralds. They'll serve for the rest of my search. Now I can return the favor by helping one of his friends find his way home." She then wished Shadow safe travels home, and the Ultimate Lifeform teleported back to Mobius Prime.
Having found the grey Sol Emerald thanks to Sonic's help, Blaze once again arrived on Mobius in search of the others. Not far from the ruins of Knothole she ran into Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit, who were investigating a mysterious energy signal and had spotted something shiny; thinking the two might be after a Sol Emerald, Blaze attempted to warn them away with a plume of fire. However, this only flared Amy's temper, and she and Blaze ended up fighting despite Cream's protests; eventually, the young rabbit pointed out that the shiny object was nothing more than a broken glass bottle. Humiliated to have been "fighting over garbage," Blaze apologized and attempted to leave; however, seeing that she needed help and realizing that she knew Sonic, Amy and Cream offered to assist her. Blaze was somewhat dubious, especially given how only moments ago they had been fighting, but she joined them in searching the Great Forest. Blaze continued to be distrustful of her new companions, especially after Rouge the Bat showed up, also following the energy signal. The group eventually made its way to a deep ravine; Rouge offered to fly down alone to recover what was likely the emerald, sparing the others any danger, but Blaze insisted on retrieving it herself, and so Rouge offered instead to fly her down. When a large branch from a brittle tree fell and threatened to strike them all, Blaze and Rouge pulled off some impressive teamwork and destroyed it before it could hit. Rouge complimented Blaze on her skill but addressed her as "princess," causing Blaze to question how Rouge had come across this information. Rouge merely replied that she had her sources and ignored further questions, instead following the energy signal. The girls soon found the emerald within a large cluster of roots; Blaze, elated to have found another emerald, thanked the group for their help and apologized for being so distrustful. However, Rouge then announced that she planned to take the emerald for herself, causing an enraged Blaze to berate herself for trusting any of them to begin with. She was therefore surprised when Amy and Cream came to her side and attempted to stop Rouge, demanding she hand the emerald to Blaze. Rouge tried to fight them off and nearly escaped before Blaze cut her path off with a wall of flame; however, Rouge smugly refused to return the emerald as her backup arrived in the form of Shadow the Hedgehog and E-123 Omega.
Recognizing Shadow, Blaze asked if this was how he would repay her earlier generosity; initially unable to meet her gaze, Shadow eventually replied with "That was then. This is now," much to Blaze's displeasure. She then defended her teammates from E-123 Omega and then, while Shadow and Rouge bickered over their course of action, unleashed a concentrated blast of flame upon the robot. To Blaze's surprise, this show of firepower impressed the destructive robot. Soon, everyone was scrambling for the Emerald, and Cheese, Cream's chao, escaped with it into the woods. Rouge attempted to steal Blaze's gray Sol Emerald instead, but when Shadow tried to use it for Chaos Control, it exploded in a fiery wave; taking the Emerald back, the girls fled to catch up with Cheese. Later, the girls ran afoul of Team Hooligan, who kidnapped Cream and stole the Sol Emerald, but Blaze stopped them saving Cream. However, a singed and angry Team Dark finally caught up to them and viciously attacked Amy and Blaze, capturing both while Nack the Weasel and his team fled with the Emerald. Blaze, growing more desperate as her world was at stake, refused to give up despite her injuries, and Shadow attempted to placate her for her own sake. However, still feeling betrayed, she threw flames in his face, saying that she would not let anyone stop her from recovering the Sol Emerald.
As it was realized that Team Hooligan was now escaping with the Emerald, Amy proposed that they work together to catch up, rather than continue fighting and lose the trail. Eventually, they decided to travel via Shadow's bike (provided by G.U.N.), while Blaze ran ahead to burn clear terrain for it to travel upon. Eventually, Shadow approached her, wanting to explain his actions; Blaze remained cold towards him. When he said that his mission had to come first, and that if he had to fight her, he would do so without hesitation, she snapped back at him, asking why then he was trying so hard to apologize. As he looked doubtful, she left him behind. However, she was eventually brought to her knees by sudden pain; something had happened to the Sol Emerald, though it also allowed her to pinpoint its location. After Amy and Shadow helped her up, Amy ordered Shadow to carry Blaze as they continued on, which resulted in some awkwardness between the two. The two groups eventually caught up to Team Hooligan, only to find them now fighting the Babylon Rogues for the Emerald.
Blaze and Amy weren't surprised when Rouge betrayed them yet again, and a four-way battle for the Sol Emerald erupted. Blaze created a wall of flame to shield herself, Amy and Cream, apologizing to the girls for dragging them into this mess. She told them to get themselves to safety, but they both insisted on helping her. Thanking them, Blaze and the others rejoined the battle, Amy attempting to convince Shadow to their side. Eventually, Blaze recovered the Emerald for a time, and when Bean the Dynamite threw a bomb her way, she simply used her pyrokinesis to halt the flame on the bomb's fuse. Realizing the battle was pointless at this rate, Amy again convinced Rouge to work with them, and the two groups corralled the members of Teams Hooligan and Babylon; Blaze then re-ignited Bean's bomb, causing it to explode on them. Having had enough (Nack himself was knocked unconscious), they all retreated, leaving Blaze with the Emerald. Rouge once again tried to take it, but Shadow forced her to back off, saying that G.U.N. owed Blaze a favor and that the safety of her world was more important than their mission. While not happy, Rouge complied, and the two teams bid farewell. Blaze remarked that Shadow wasn't so bad in the end. She shook Amy's hand, commending her on her bravery, and gave Cream a hug good-bye. Then, using the power of the gray and cyan Emeralds, she disappeared in a towering swirl of flame, returning home.