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Following the Xorda's attack on the planet millennia ago, the Gene Bombs used by the violent alien race resulted in the rapid evolution of the animal kingdom and the de-evolution of the homo sapien species. Of the various Mobian races emerging, the echidnas were the fastest to develop, learn and adapt. Realizing this, the echidnas came together and isolated themselves from the rest of the planet's population. They soon developed the city of Albion, where their development grew at an unparalleled rate.

When the Mobian Mammoth Mogul had received nearly god-like powers, a result of a Chaos Emerald embedding itself in his chest during the Coming of the Chaos Emeralds, he formed the wizard caste known as the Order of Ixis to act as his loyal minions. Shortly thereafter he began his campaign of world domination. Despite the Order of Ixis' great powers, the well developed echidnas of Albion posed a serious resistance. In the end, the Albion Knights of Aurora's technology proved superior, and the Order of Ixis was all but wiped out during the Forgotten War.

Thousands of years later, the Mobian Alexander realized that much could be accomplished if the various Mobian species began working together for a common goal. While he managed to unite the majority of the Mobian races, the echidnas chose not to join as their development was still millennia ahead. By this point in time, Albion scientists had already enabled their astronauts to venture out into Mobius' orbit, as well as visit distant worlds within the solar system such as Saturn its moon Europa.

"Driven by their need to strive for higher levels of achievement", a group of echidnas left Albion to search for new adventures and a land to call their own. Those that left consisted of the Knuckles Tribe and a group of scientists and intellectuals. Eventually the Knuckles Tribe and the intellectuals split into two groups when they encountered the Mysterious Cat Country and the Knuckles Tribe insisted on fighting to conquer the land. The intellectuals went on to form the city of Echidnaopolis in the continent of Downunda, while the Knuckles Tribe was completely wiped out by Chaos.

Following the population split, Albion primarily remained isolated and hidden from the rest of Mobius. During the reign of Dr. Ivo Robotnik and subsequently Dr. Eggman, Albion used Rob O' the Hedge as their sentry in the Mercia region.

When the High Council of Echidnaopolis voted to use the Chaos Emeralds to lift their city into the sky to avoid destruction by the White Comet, a group of echidnas led by Arrakis decided to remain on the surface of Mobius. This group, known as the Lost Tribe, later chose to search for the city of Albion and reunite with their brethren. For hundreds of years the Lost Tribe searched without success, suffering betrayal and abuse at the hands of other Mobian species. Some were even captured and roboticized by the forces of Dr. Robotnik. However, under the leadership of Knuckles the Echidna and with help from Rob O' the Hedge, the Lost Tribe finally found Albion and were welcomed by High Councilor Gala-Na.

When Dr. Eggman took the place of the late Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the latter's enforcer over the Kingdom of Mercia, the High Sheriff, became active once again. He was subsequently captured and brought to Albion, where he was to be deactivated. Around that time, the Dark Legion had transported everyone off of Angel Island using the Quantum Beam, with only Knuckles remaining in the prime zone. Thus, Knuckles travelled to Albion to find out what happened to the echidnas on Angel Island. He was also accompanied by Amy Rose, Bunnie Rabbot, Antoine D'Coolette and Rob O' the Hedge, as Antoine was searching to discovered what happened to his father - the High Sheriff. After arriving in Albion, it was discovered the Albion High Council had ordered the dismantling of the High Sheriff in the name of the greater good. However, the High Sheriff managed to break free of his captivity and began destroying Albion from within. Shortly afterwards he was stopped by Knuckles and brought back to Knothole by Antoine, Bunnie and Amy to restore his free will.

While in Albion, Knuckles underwent a rapid evolution, becoming the nearly-omnipotent Chaos Knuckles. The Albion Council under Gala-Na decided that with this amount of power Knuckles posed too much of a threat to the safety of the planet. They voted that Knuckles vast powers should be drained from him in order to ensure their safety. The brilliant Albion scientist Dr. Finitevus used his creation the Chaos Siphon Suit in an attempt to absorb Knuckles' vast power. This resulted in Knuckles only becoming more powerful and Finitevus becoming corrupted and altered by the Chaos radiation he did manage to absorb.

With the failure of the Chaos Siphon Suit, Gala-Na hired the bounty hunters Nic and Nack to capture Knuckles so they could once again attempt to drain him of his new powers. While the weasel siblings managed to capture him, the draining process was interrupted by Charmy Bee and Saffron, which allowed Knuckles to maintain his new powers. After a brief confrontation with Turbo Tails, Knuckles left Albion in search of answers to his evolution.

As a result of Dr. Finitevus' own evolution when he used the Chaos Siphon Suit, he became powerful in the arts of Chaos powers and magic. His personality also changed - he now desired to cleans the world of everything he saw to be evil. As a result, the Albion Council voted to have Dr. Finitevus euthanized. Using his creation, the Warp Ring, Dr. Finitevus managed to escape. Some time later, Dr. Finitevus provided the Eggman Empire with Albion's secret location, as well as sabotaged its defences. The city was completely destroyed by Eggman's forces.

When Knuckles became the Chaos-demigod Enerjak under the persuasion of Dr. Finiteuvs, one of his acts was to send the few surviving echidnas of Angel Island to the ruins of Albion. From there, the echidnas began to rebuild the city and their civilization under the leadership of Remington.

The Matriarch:

Kneecaps the Echidna